Halo:Reach Customization Detailed

Posted March 26, 2010 by Marshall in Xbox 360

Our good pals at G4 have gotten some great news for you Halo: Reach fans!

The Halo: Reach multiplayer customization titled, “Player Investment System.” This system brings somewhat of an RPG element to the game which allowing your character to unlock more equipment to be shown off online. Similar to what Modern Warfare 2 has in regards to titles, emblems, and weapons. With Reach however, you’re able to level up your character in the single player campaign as well. The experience points you gain are called Credits and will show up as “CR” rather than “XP.” These credits are awarded through various challenges that the game will offer you. Whether it be kill a certain amount of enemies in a match or headshots, or whatever the masterminds at Bungie come up with. You will then use these credits in a store and purchase new items for your character.


These challenges will update daily and/or weekly. Daily challenges will be smaller feats, while weekly challenges may require the cooperation of you and your teammates. The challenges will not only be directed towards multiplayer, but single player as well. So certain areas of the campaign will be tweaked to fit the given challenge.

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There was some customization in Halo 3 but it was only minor. Color, helmets, and different body types. Reach multiplies that by 10 giving you a ton of options. Shoulder pads, knee pads, helmets, helmet attachments, color, accessories,  gloves, neck, new emblems and a bunch more. You will be able to create a Spartan/Elite that represents you. These customizations that take place are also portrayed in the single player as well. Unlike in previous Halo installments, you were Master Chief and you were stuck with the Green armor that he’s known for. Now, you can have a a variety of designs on your character that will be displayed in all the games cut scenes, making the game more personal for the player.

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When playing online with players you may not know, each person will have a profile showing their style of play. Which is Bungie’s way of getting people to co-operate with one another and prevent from having people angry when this guy takes the sniper rifle you were going for. Whether that works or not we’ll see but I don’t doubt people will attempt to make that work.

Here’s the video below and it  will definitely get you excited.

1 comment

Kimberly March 29, 2010 at 2:48 AM

Looks like a pretty cool game…I might have to check this one out…


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