Kane and Lynch 2 – Multiplayer Details

Posted May 28, 2010 by Marshall in PS3, Xbox 360

Square Enix today have revealed new information for the upcoming multiplayer or Kane and Lynch 2.  In a recent interview with IO Interactive, part of Square Enix Europe stated:
“We’ve been working hard on making the Fragile Alliance multiplayer a much more expansive, rewarding and captivating experience for players,” said Kim Krogh, multiplayer game director at IO Interactive. “The gritty visuals bring an entirely new intensity and realism to multiplayer. We’ve definitely changed the dynamics quite a bit and hope to push players to new levels of both greed and loyalty.”

Indeed that means that Fragile Alliance multiplayer will be returning. There will also be a new Arcade Mode which is the single player version of the Fragile Alliance Mode. The objective is to help the Alliance escape with as much of the loot as possible with players getting paid if they survive the round. It continues through increasingly challenging levels as long as they survive and escape, but with the cops coming down hard and an escape vehicle that can’t wait.  You will  need to move fast, and if you decide  to betray the team and make off with the money on their own, all bets are off. Die, and they respawn as a cop to prevent the heist. This mode is playable with up to eight players.

Undercover Cop adds an extra level of paranoia to Fragile Alliance as teams are infiltrated by a mole set to stop the Alliance. One player is chosen at random to be the undercover cop. Play too cautiously and the other criminals might get wind of what’s up but run out in front, the cops won’t shoot, and cover will be blown. It’s a delicate balance, but ultimately it’s all up to the player. The undercover cop has to single handily stop the heist by killing each one of his “teammates.” This mode is playable with up to eight players.

Cops & Robbers will be another playlist and this will consist of building on the relationship between law enforcement. Cops & Robbers is a team based mode. Play will be able to play as the Robbers trying to gather and protect their loot whilst the remaining players play as Cops are trying to retrieve it. Each round the teams swap sides of the law, giving players the chance to experience both ends of the playing field. The game type will last up too 4 rounds. This mode is playable with up to 12 players.

It looks like Square Enix and IO Interactive have worked hard improving the multiplayer.
Check back on Push-Start for more upcoming info and trailers.

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