MGS V: The Phantom Pain – Mother Base Upgradable & Online Players Can Infiltrate

Posted June 12, 2014 by Richard Lee Breslin in Gaming News, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One


Courtesy of Eurogamer, they have revealed a number of details in regards to the Mother Base which is of course the HQ in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.  The details include being able to upgrade Mother Base, train your private military soldiers and even players from online can attack your base via the accompanying mobile app.

The Mother Base which suspiciously looks like the oil rig from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, will also be the home of those prisoners that you may have rescued in Ground Zeroes, so long as you have the pre-order DLC of course.

Below are the details to which we can look forward to with Mother Base in The Phantom Pain:

  • You will be able to return to Mother Base between missions.
  • You will be upgrade your Mother Base by improving you defences, utilise more UAV drones and more.
  • You will be able to train your military soldiers on Mother Base, to prepare them for battle and any incoming attacks.  Soldiers will also solute you as you pass them by
  • You can upgrade or acquire weapons and gadgets via the in-game Research and Development feature.
  • Depending on how you develop your Mother Base, it will look different to most other players as each base will be individual to the gamer at hand.
  • During field missions, you can send weapons, ammo, vehicles, gadgets, summon air strikes and even drop in the legendary cardboard box into the battle field, and even various animals all via the Fulton balloon recovery system (just look at the flying goat below).


  • Dynamic weather systems will take place on the Mother Base, which could make for all sorts of natural hazards.
  • Online players can attack your base, which is where the soldier training and base upgrading will come into play. Players will be able to attack your base via the mobile app or in-game interface; I’m guessing it could be similar along the lines as the infiltration system in Watch Dogs or to that effect.  Likewise you can also attack other gamers Mother Bases too.
  • All the improvements made to the Mother Base, soldiers, weapons etc will all be achieved via the in-game currency system.

Also thanks to an interview with CVG, they got the chance to speak to Hideo Kojima, where among the many details revealed he spoke about how the open-world differs to games such as GTA V.

Here’s what Hideo Kojima explained:

Rockstar is going in a very different direction to what I’m trying to create”, he then went on to say “This is a game that is not necessarily what you would call sandbox where you can go wherever you want and do whatever you want, like in GTA. This is not the way this game works. For our game, you get in, you accomplish a mission and you get out. These missions are very simple; destroying something, arresting someone, killing someone, recovering something… it is really simple in that regard.

He then added:

Now, players have all the freedom in the world to think about what method, or what route, what time of the day will they choose to get in and accomplish their mission. During these missions there’s a story that’s developing. But certainly there’s a limit to what the player can do when away from this mission because it is clear when there’s a mission to complete.

In that regard it’s completely different to GTA in which you can do whatever you want. In MGSV, you have missions and I try to provide players with as much fun as possible in the freedom they have for how to complete their mission.

It all sounds like Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain just got much more interesting.  Let’s hope that we see an early release in 2015 for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

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