Top 5 Game-Movies

Posted May 26, 2010 by PhilipJFry45 in PS3, Xbox 360

Here is my list of Movie adaptations of games that rank the Top 5. Two that didn’t make it however should be mentioned are: Final Fantasy: Advent Children and the upcoming live action Tekken Movie, I can’t wait to see that!

5 Max Payne

An interesting take on the game which has little to do with the original storyline but this approach seems to work as the film. It doesn’t make the audience continually compare it to the game but when similarities arise it’s a pleasant surprise (notice the similarity between the poster and the first game’s cover?)

4 Silent Hill

This film chose to freak the hell out its viewers, following the characters very well and detailing the landscapes and setting extremely well leading to little care about how closely the narrative follows the game as this thrill ride of a film has enough onscreen action to keep you on the edge of your chair while checking under it occasionally to make sure your alone!

3 Street fighter

The film SO bad you HAVE to love it! This film is actually based on a mistake; the director saw the cover for Street Fighter II and thus though Guile was the central character. Despite all this it is still a film that brings laughter, good reference and great actors (not including Kylie) together.

2 Resident Evil (Trilogy)

Some of the best transitions from game to film I think there has ever been as, similar to Max Payne, it doesn’t try to hold onto the storyline too much. Instead it reinvents itself while holding onto the key elements, with each new instalment it add more and more from the game world until this reality built up for the latest instalment Resident Evil: Afterlife could be Resident Evil 5…

1 Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

An outstanding piece of work that follows, reworks were necessary (a film will always edit), blends the games together and styles this movie into a perfect homage to the games. A strong story with many a reference to the game and nail biting action. Truly one of the best game-movies I have every seen!

1 comment

Jack Hatcher May 26, 2010 at 11:07 AM

I have to be honest I completely forgot about Silent Hill 😛 Great film.
I need to see Prince of Persia!


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