Top 5 Xbox 360 Improvements

Posted March 16, 2010 by Marshall in Xbox 360

With Microsoft’s Xbox 360 occupying 90% of our time, I find that there still can be some improvements to their LIVE service.

The latest update has given us a lot of new toys to play with as well as an awesome new look, but just like Susan Boyle or Paul Potts looks aren’t everything. These lists are in no particular order, just my 5 little gripes with the 360.

5. Facebook

It was a big deal when we found out that Facebook was going to be integrated into our LIVE service. The ability to check messages and notifications from our 360 was going to be a great idea. To our surprise, that was not the case. All we are able to do is look at pictures, update our status, see friends status, and pictures. We can’t check notifications, messages, chat, or really any of the features of the features that Facebook has to offer. Another update for that would be greatly appreciated. For example, having the Facebook chat in the same area as the Windows Live chat. It’d be a great addition to our LIVE service and would be integrated perfectly.


4.  Last.FM

I love the idea of adding Last.FM to the 360. But I didn’t love the fact that I couldn’t listen to the Last.FM radio while playing games. When I first heard about this I assumed that it would be integrated into the music player that appears once you press the guide button. Similar to what happens when you plug in your Zune into the 360 and it allows you to play music while you play the games. All I want is the ability to cycle through my Last.FM radio while playing Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Simple as that.


3. Premium Theme preview

Time and time again, I see the title of a Premium Theme that I’m interested in purchasing but each time I always back out of doing so, because it’s always a gamble. You never know what you’re going to get and you could be severely disappointed with your purchase and you don’t really get a refund for anything on the 360. I bought a premium theme for Street Fighter 4  and I don’t even use it. It let me down and I wish I didn’t purchase it. So, if we were given the ability to preview the 360 themes then I believe that most of us would be more inclined to purchase it. Luckily, there is a website that will show the premium themes and videos of them being used in real time. The site is called Theme Xbox and shows all the themes before you purchase. So check that site out before you, purchase any sort of theme.

2. Gaming News streamer

This is something that I’ve personally wanted on the dashboard. Being that I’m a writer for this website I would love to be able to get my gaming news as often as possible. Having it in the top corner of the Dashboard would be appreciated. So rather than waiting for the short GDC video I can just read the text in the corner for announcements of press conferences and expos. Simple as that.

1. Indie Games improvement.

Too often I’ll look download indie games off the Dashboard, to find that they’re are terrible. It sort of seems that any game that’s made and given to whoever is in charge of the indie games section is just uploaded. I think they need to pass a certain criteria to be on the site. And I’m not telling people to stop making games because I know how hard it is to make it, but  if it’s not any good don’t put it up there. I’m not going to mention any of the games I disliked so I don’t sway anyone’s opinion.


There you have it, my personal improvements to the Dashboard. I’m sure some of these will be integrated at some point, like the Facebook points I mentioned or Last.FM. We’ll see what the future holds.

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